What Should you Know Before Getting a Divorce?

Posted on Jun 17, 2020

Going through a divorce is not going to be easy for anybody involved. Whether a divorce is relatively uncontested or whether there are many issues left to be settled, the California divorce process can seem confusing at times. At the Law Offices of Stephanie L. Mahdavi, we are here when you need a Westlake Village divorce attorney. Here, our team wants to discuss a few things you absolutely need to know before getting a divorce in Westlake Village.

Do not expect to “win” in a divorce case

Divorces are difficult, and many people go into the process thinking they are going to win against their soon-to-be ex-spouse. The truth is that divorces involve many complex issues, and rarely do both sides end up with everything they want. Do not go into a divorce with a “winner” and “loser” mindset, or you are bound to be disappointed with the outcome.

If there are minor children, the divorce will be more complex

If there are children under the age of 18 involved between a divorcing couple, the situation will definitely be more complex. Determining aspects such as physical custody and legal custody are vitally important for the well-being of the child. It is also important to properly calculate any child support payments that may be necessary. These are often the most contentious issues in a divorce.

Assets are to be split equally in California

In California, any assets that a couple accumulates during the course of their marriage are considered community property that must be split equally in the event of a divorce. This can become complicated for assets that are difficult to split 50/50. In these cases, a monetary value will be assigned to the asset, and one spouse may be able to “buy out” the other for that asset.

Do not rush the divorce process

In California, there is a mandatory six-month waiting period before a divorce can be finalized. While that may seem like a long time, the truth is that it may take longer than this for divorce to settle. Issues such as property division, alimony, child custody, visitation, child support, and more all need to be handled with care, and this can take time.

Moving forward can be hard, and it is okay to be emotional

It is okay to be emotional throughout the course of the divorce process. This is a challenging situation for everybody involved and a major lifestyle change. Please remember that your Westlake Village divorce attorney is going to be the buffer between your emotions and the logical steps you need to take to get through the divorce process.

Let our Westlake Village divorce attorney help

If you are considering going through a divorce but are not sure where to turn, let the team at the Law Offices of Stephanie L. Mahdavi help you today. Our compassionate and experienced divorce lawyers understand that this is a difficult time for you, and we want to ensure that you are treated fairly throughout this entire process. When you need a Westlake Village divorce attorney, you can contact us for a consultation of your case by clicking here or calling 805-379-4550.

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