Thousand Oaks Spousal Support Attorney

Experienced Spousal Support Attorney in Thousand Oaks

No one goes into a marriage expecting to get a divorce. Vows are sacred, and people get married with the intention of lasting “forever.” However, sometimes things just don’t work out. Sometimes, people just grow apart, or other issues arise that force the couple to split. It is an emotional period and it can also drastically change a person’s way of life. In many divorce cases, one spouse makes grossly less than their partner and needs financial assistance upon divorce. This is known as spousal support (or alimony). The textbook definition of spousal support is:

“…legal obligation on a person to provide financial support to their spouse before or after marital separation or divorce.

If you are in Thousand Oaks and are going through a divorce and are seeking an experienced spousal support attorney, give me, Stephanie L. Mahdavi a call. My track record in family law – especially handling spousal support cases – is impeccable. My team of legal professionals and I will handle your case with compassion and conviction. When it comes to getting what you rightfully deserve, we will fight for you tooth-and-nail.

Give us a call today for a consultation. We will evaluate your case and devise a strategic plan of attack.

As a general rule, spousal support lasts for half the length of a marriage, which is less than 10  years. But, in longer marriages, the court will not set a duration for spousal support. The burden falls on the paying spouse to prove that spousal support is no longer needed at a future point in time.

When considering who should pay spousal support and how much, the court takes into consideration numerous factors, including the earning potential of each spouse. They also evaluate:

  • The marketable skills of the spouse being supported and the job market for those skills.
  • How badly the supported spouse’s earning capacity is impaired when the spouse is unemployed in order to devote their time to domestic duties during the marriage.
  • How much did the supported spouse contribute to paying the spouse’s acquirement of education, training, career, etc?
  • The financial needs of both spouses.
  • The length of the marriage.

    This is just a condensed list of what the court considers. Other factors may come into play when deciding who should pay spousal support and how much. It is always best to have a spousal support attorney to represent you in these proceedings.

    Contact an Experienced Spousal Support Attorney in Thousand Oaks

    If you live in the Thousand Oaks or Southern Ventura County area and are going through a divorce, give The Law Offices of Stephanie L. Mahdavi a call. My legal professionals and I have an extensive record of success when it comes to fighting for what you rightfully deserve. We offer initial consultations to evaluate your case and devise a strategic plan of attack. We will put you in the best possible position for success and won’t quit fighting until you come out on top. Give us a call today and schedule an appointment. We will work hard for you.

    Thousand Oaks Spousal Support Attorney: FAQs

    Divorce is a stressful situation for everyone involved, and it can directly impact a person’s finances. One of the most contentious issues in the divorce process is spousal maintenance. Also known as alimony, you should seek assistance from a Thousand Oaks spousal support attorney as soon as possible. Whether you think you should be receiving support payments or facing the prospect of paying them, the team at Law Offices of Stephanie L. Mahdavi is here to help ensure you are treated fairly.

    What is spousal support? (What is alimony?)

    The term “spousal support” is used to describe payments made from one spouse to the other after a divorce is finalized. These payments are arranged to maintain one spouse’s standard of living they had during the marriage.

    Do all divorces have spousal support arrangements?

    Not all divorces have spousal support arrangements. Typically, you will see alimony ordered if one spouse encounters a significantly altered standard of living after the divorce. Contrary to popular belief, not all alimony arrangements are permanent. Some alimony payments are only temporary and are used to give the receiving spouse time to become financially stable on their own.

    If my spouse had an affair, would this affect the spousal support amount?

    An affair in a marriage will have no bearing on spousal support arrangements. California is considered a no-fault divorce state. This means that an affair or any other behavior by a spouse will not be considered when it comes to spousal support payments. However, if your spouse is cohabitating with another person while receiving alimony, you may have grounds to legally stop paying. A skilled Thousand Oaks spousal support attorney can help you through this.

    What factors are used by the court to determine alimony amounts?

    There are various factors taken into consideration when determining a spousal support order, including the:

    • age, financial condition, and physical condition of the spouses
    • earning abilities of both spouses
    • the length of the marriage
    • the ability of the paying spouse to support themselves
    • standard of living during the marriage and how it may change for one or both parties after the marriage

    What do I do if my former spouse stops paying alimony?

    If your former spouse stops making alimony payments, you only need to take them to court and a contempt proceeding. Alimony payments can only be stopped at the direction of the court or upon the recipient’s spouse’s remarriage or death.

    It is time to let us help you through this.

    When you are going through a divorce that may involve spousal support payments, you need to seek legal assistance. At the Law Offices of Stephanie L. Mahdavi, our Thousand Oaks spousal support attorneys are ready to help you get through this. Whether you may be required to make payments or think you should be receiving them, we want to make sure you are treated fairly. You can contact us for a consultation by clicking here or calling 805-379-4550.

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